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Sometimes it takes a long time to find something in the web, even with search machines. I find it always very helpful to have a well sorted list of links for a specific topic. I like to share my links with you - maybe there are some that you not already know.
Be aware, that some of the following links point to italian sites with pages written in italian language (what a surprise <g>). In this cases, the description of such a link is also in italian.

I subdivided all the stuff I found in the web into following groups:

Extensive information Learning Italian
Tourist Information Kids and Fun
Hotels and Accommodations Italian News & Press
Museums Events in Italy
Arts and Literature Economy
Food and Drink Italian Universities
Florence (my favourite city) Cultural Institutes
Italian Cities Sport
Regions Computer
The Italian Web Other Things


Extensive information (Lists like this and lots of information)

Windows On Italy Very detailed information about regions and cities (by Marco Pirovano, Istituto Geografico De Agostini)
The Webfoot's Guide to Italy
Links to Italy from the ISTITUTO ITALIANO Italian Language School for foreigners.
C.I.A.O. Links to Italy (Cultural Italian American Organization)
Welcome to ITALIA.USA
Yahoo's Hotlist Italy list
Italia Online (Informazioni in italiano)
At City.Net you can find a lot of general and travel related information
The Italian Web Bar (Un po di tutto)
 From Italy- Italy at the Point of a Mouse (English and Italian- Primopiano s.r.l.)
Cyber-Tour Italy
L'Italia vista dal Giappone
L'Italia vista dallo Utah
Italy on the net
Ciao Italia short and sweet (Sturkens)
Italian Nights Cinema, Restaurants, Hotels, Campsites
Yamada Language Center, University of Oregon
CILEA (not responding?)
Uninet Indice dei Siti WWW Italiani per categoria di attività


Tourist Information

Useful Tourist Information:

Here's what the CIA-World Factbook says about Italy. They also have a BIG map of Italy. This is another source of maps and statistics.
See also U.S. State Department Travel Advisory for Italy.
To find your favourite city try the Italian city-locator.
The Touring Club Italiano, has maps and pictures of important regions and cities.
And how's the weather there ? Check it out for the cities of Florence, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Rome, Turin, and Venice.
To see it all for yourself, download the Current European Satellite Weather Image (big!).
If you understand italian, see: Previsioni meterologiche SMR / CINECA
Before spending money have a look at the Italian Lira daily exchange rate
You may want to crosscheck with David Koblas Lira Exchange Rates.
Take care of yourself and read the Western Europe Traveler's Health Information
Now you are ready to plan your trip and start with packing
Here you can find a Time Schedule of Touristic Events, Music and Sport Events and some links to Virtuell Museums.
Learn about History from Istituto Geografico De Agostini
You can get more information at the Italian Tourism Offices

Tourist Guides:

Destination Italy with Italy Slide Show
Tourist information, from CNR.
A chi si muove, Touritel offre informazioni ricche ed aggiornate, trasmesse in tempo reale.
Traveleurope's Italia
Telematic Tourist (in Italian)
The Virtual Tourist
Planet Italy
Travel Books for Italy
Travel Italy

Special Places:

CAPRI on line, just beautiful like the island...
Images of NAPOLI and the The Virtual Tour of Pompei.
ROMA, una citta' da vivere
MILANO, pictures, guides. etc.
VENEZIA NET, Venice Italy, Index and A guide to Venice
San Marino
Tuscany Virtual Tourist
Italian agency with information on tourism- hotels- history of Sicily- etc...
See also Italian Cities and Regions

Special Topics:

Parks in Italy
Italian nights


Subway of Milano and Palermo
European Railways Information
International Car Rentals
Information about biking in Italy and how to Bikes on Trains.
Sailing in Italy (Angelo Mascaro)

Touristic News Letters:

In Italy Online with Italy Region by Region (bimonthly newsletter)
Guida Vanvitelli Periodico di informazione per il turismo e il tempo libero.
Guida Viaggi Online Settimanale.
Italy Online è una rivista eletronica
Vacanze più. Rivista telematica
La rivista sui beni culturali, il sistema turismo, l'ambiente (solo a pagamento).

More Touristic Links:

Italian Tourist Web Guide
Traveller's Guide - Travel Sites in Italy


Hotels and Accommodations

Italian Hotal Directory (tradenet) with clickable Map
Italy Hotel Guide (saritel)
Italy Hotel Reservation (venere) + Italy Hotel Reservation
Italian Hotels & Residences Data Base.
Travel Italy Informazioni e prenotazioni di hotel, località termali, autonoleggio, turismo.
Holidays on the Farm & Campsites in Italy
Le aree di sosta per camper in Itali (Italian Nights)

Camping in Toscana
Hotels and Campsites in Sardinia (TIRSO)
Milan (mostly in Italian)
Alberghi dell'Aquila
Hotel Pendini Firenze
Agricola Sforni Lorenzana, Tuscano



Almost all Italian Museums
Italian Museums
Links to museums
Italian Museums on the Net
Italian WEB Museum
Rome Museums and their opening times
Vatican City and Museums
Vatican Museums
Florence Museums (Firenze)
Le mostre a Palazzo Grassi (Firenze)
Museo degli Uffizi (Firenze) and Uffizi On Line
Il Museo Archeologico (Firenze)
History of Science Museum (Firenze)


Arts and Literature

Italian Art and Architecture (Ragu)
La Scala di Milano
History of italian sculpture
A collection of Italian poems and novels (all in Italian)
HTML Italian literature
Renaissance Dante in Print
Notes on Some Italian Jazz
Classical Music in Italy


Food and Drink

Recipes / Ricette:

Recipe Archive Index
A great collection of Italian recipes
Famous Restaurants' Recipes
Manuela's Recipes
More Italian Recipes
Mama's great Web page
Cosa Cucini Oggi? An on-line cookbook with everything from soup to nuts, in Italian.
Italian Cuisine: Italian cooking, recipes by Paolo Monti. In English.
A collection of Ancient Roman Dishes: Ingredients (how to make) and recipes. What you need to know for your next banquet.
Italian Food On Line: A well done electronic magazine, with articles on all aspects of Italian food, and recipes as well. In Italian and English.
Pellegrino Artusi, Italian Food Net
Pagina dei Ghiottoni: The Glutton's page. Aptly named; a dictionary of Vercellese culinary terminology (including some recipes), all you need to know about rice and how to cook it, and local wines. In Italian.
Ricettario di soc.culture.italian
A 95K file of Italian recipes, and a table of contents for it
Messina - Le Ricette di Nino Libro
Cucina di Sardegna
Palermo - "A tavola!"
Isola d'Elba - Cucina etrusca
Ricette di Cucina Online e il "Cerca-ricette"
Le ricette di nonna Titti
Posate in Net - Ricette spiritose
Il genio in cucina Ricette dello Spazio delle Ragazze di
La Cucina a Prova di Idiota Questa raccolta di ricette di cucina e' dedicata a tutti quelli che non sanno cucinare
Scopri il cuoco che c'è in te...

Italian Cuisine / Cucina Italiana:

De Agostini on Food: A quick overview of 3,000 years of culinary history. Fun. In English.
Experiencing the Romance and Antiquity of Italy: Rosemary Fusaro's tribute to Italian culture and cuisine. Interesting.
Italian Flavors: Under construction, but has information on wine (hosts the Italian Sommelier's Association), food, olive oil, regional cooking, et cetera. Looks promising. In Italian for now.
Il Fornaio: A California-based restaurant chain with some interesting pages on Italian regional cuisines. Worth stopping at.
Le Pagine della Cucina from the University of Genoa
Italian Food Net
Cucina Online (Italia Online)
Cucina Online (ItalyNet)
Cucina (VOL) L'area "gastronomica" di Video on Line
Cucina Italiana (Grand Hotel Portovenere)
Mangiare Bene (CWeb)
Italian Cuisine Official Site
Italian Food On Line
TheCity: Mangiare Bene
Cuoco on-line Francesco "Giugu" Giuffrida risponde ai vostri quesiti culinari
Italian Cuisine Home Page (Cooking classes, Recipes)
I Cibi del Piemonte: Piemonte has great culinary traditions and, of course, fantastic wines. Learn about them here. In Italian and English.
Piemonete - Gastronomia delle Langhe
Cucina Abruzzese
Parma - Gastronomia Parmigiana
Parma - Cibo: Mito, Trionfo e Passione
Calabria - Cucina Tipica Calabrese
Cucina di Sardegna
Ferrara - Gastronomia Ferrarese
Cucinaironia - in cucina con allegria

Wine / Vino:

Wine Spectator
DOC wines
Prosit Wines and Producers Suggestions from Italy (english and italian)
Slowfood Guide to the Wines of the World: Slowfood is one man's reaction to Mc Donalds; a celebration of the pleasures of life. Here you will find descriptions of the world's best wines, prepared by Masters of Wine. In Italian and English.
Mercurio on Line
Bacchus. Ricette con il vino

Restaurants / Ristoranti:

GSG - Gold Spaghetti Guide: Guida ai Ristoranti Italiani sul WEB
Ultimate Restaurant Directory
Dining out on the Web
Eating Out in Florence (Firenze) (David Alexander / Rossella Rossi-Alexander)
Food and Beer in Milan (Daniele Pinna / Markus Senoner)
Piemonte Gastronomia
Vegetarian Restaurants (Geriant Edwards)
Miscellaneous restaurant recommendations (compilation)
Guida ai Ristoranti Italiani sul WEB

Special Food / Cibo Speciale:

Prosciutto San Daniele: San Daniele's cool dry mountain air makes for wonderful prosciutto. Here you'll find out how it is made, and find recipes. Nicely done, in Italian and English.
Prosciutto di Parma: When Hannibal arrived the people of Parma fed him Prosciutto, and they're still making it. A neat site, with lots of good photos.
Virtual Piada: A Piadina is to the Romagnan what a baguette is to someone in Paris: Bread. It's made with flour, lard, and water, grilled, and is surprisingly tasty. In Italian (for now), and still under construction, but will be fun.
I Formaggi Italiani
Gorgonzola: Italy's Green Jewel: The site of the Gorgonzola makers, tells all about it. In English.
Parmigiano: Possibly the world's greatest cheese. Certainly the most refined, it owes its flavor to the pastures grazed by the cows. An interesting site with beautiful photographs.
Sito del Parmigiano Reggiano
Erbe (Cucina Online)
Muccola e i Vegetariani
Yogurt Forever
Cucina Afrodisiaca

Other / Altro:

Margaret Cowan's mouthwatering list of Cooking Holidays in Italy: what you need to know to decide where to go.
Ricette da Cinema Ricette tratte da film e libri famosi.
Zootecnica Alimentare Journal for the trade,delicatessens, meat processing industry / Rivista di informazione per il trade - salumeria - trasformatione carni

La Gastronomia Firmata Qui Sardegna (Vendita telematico)
GOLOSITALIA Ghiottonerie introvabili... sulla vostra tavola. Oltre 100 specialità tipiche italiane

Edibilia Recipes from european countries, matters concerning food and drink, and other alimentary business.


Florence (my favourite city in Italy)

See also Museums
Florence @ marco with many addresses and links
Florence @ dada + Abroad + Welcome + Varie + School (Lor d. Medici)
Florence @ agora
Florence @ cosimo with its  ataf-Map (public transport)
Florence @ alba
Florence @ tiac
Florence @ pisoft
Florence @ saatel
Homask Firenze and Homask Firenze 2
Renaissance and Baroque Architecture in Florence + JPG Duomo + JPG Palazzo Vecchio
Italian Renaissance Gardens
Renaissance Dante in Print (1472-1629)
Università degli Studi di Firenze
WebMuseum- Botticelli- Sandro + WebMuseum- Michelangelo
Area Ricerca Firenze
Space Electronic Firenze


Italian Cities

A list of towns from Windows On Italy
Yet another list is at City.Net
NETTuno, collection of city/region info
Comuni d'Italia e' una lista in italiano
Italian city-locator

Bologna from DSNET, Comune di Bologna
Genova (Genoa)
Milano (Milan)
Napoli (Naples) and its History
Padova (Padua)
Rome, Comune di Roma
Torino and Torino (Turin) by night
Venice, Comune di Venezia



Abruzzo deagosti fromitaly agora
Basilocata deagosti fromitaly agora
Calabria deagosti fromitaly agora
Campania deagosti fromitaly agora
Emilia Romagna deagosti fromitaly agora
Friuli-Venezia Giulia deagosti fromitaly agora
Lazio deagosti fromitaly agora
Liguria deagosti fromitaly agora
Lombardia deagosti fromitaly agora
Marche deagosti fromitaly agora
Molise deagosti fromitaly agora
Piemonte deagosti fromitaly agora
Puglia deagosti fromitaly agora
Sardegna deagosti fromitaly agora crs4 mercator History
Sicilia deagosti fromitaly agora
Toscana deagosti fromitaly agora Giuliano
Trentino, Alto Adige deagosti fromitaly agora
Umbria deagosti fromitaly agora
Valle d'Aosta deagosti fromitaly agora
Veneto deagosti fromitaly agora

Dolomite Mountains  
The Webfoot's Guide to the Vatican


The Italian Web

A complete list of WWW servers by city
WWW servers by subject (in Italian)
A long list of Italian WWW servers
Italian gopher resources
Huge list of Italian gopher sites
FAQ list of the soc.culture.italian newsgroup


Learning Italian

Learn to Speak Italian [ragu]
Italian Wordlist
English-to-Italian MTB Dictionary
Web Italian Lessons by Lucio Chiapetti
Italian Lessons
Language speech samples (Ragu)
Italian for Travellers
Italian for Travellers by Michael C. Martin
IT Schools
Foreign Languages for Travelers
To practice your italian: on line CHAT
and some WAV file
A list of Italian language related resources (from Dartmouth College).
University Texts, textbooks, novels with English translation and more.
Miscellaneous Short Texts (with some humor) in Italian  

Kids and Fun

Pagina italiana per l'infanzia
Prima bambina italiana
KidsLink italiana
Pegasino (Il ciuco telematico)
Storie, Poesie ed altro per bambini
Famiglia Trani.
Fumetti italiani (comics)
Barzellette, Battute, Freddure etc. scritte nell'area di FidoNet "RIDERE.ITA"

Italian News & Press

TELEVIDEO RAI, Notizie dell' Ultima Ora (questo giorno) e di altri giorni
ANSA Press Releases - Daily News in English, weekly news in italian.
Le PRIME PAGINE nella Edicola sono abbastanza aggiornate (1-2 giorni).(Spento i festivi!!!)
ITALPAGER Notizie di agenzia, con fotografie, aggiornato quotidianamente.
Edicola Elettronica, a very comprehensive list of almost 100 Italian newspapers and weekly or monthly magazines with web pages.
L'Edicola dall'Italia e dall'estero
A list of newspapers
More Italian publications, from MC-link.
Lista di quotidiani Da tutto il mondo. Esaustiva ed aggiornata!
Tables of contents, Indice dei contenuti di oltre 146 riviste. In inglese, ma completa ed aggiornata, sulle principali riviste, quasi tutte americane.
Italia Online - STAMPA

Il Corriere della Sera (you must register)
La Repubblica
La Stampa
L’ Unità
La Gazzetta del Sud
L’ Unione Sarda + L'Unione Sarda
Il Giornale di Calabria
Il Quotidiano
Il Secolo d'Italia
Il Manifesto
Il Sole 24 ore (Financial News)
Il Foglio, giornale milanese.
Il Giorno
Globnet- Banca del Sapere (RCS)
America Oggi
DWpress - il notiziario delle donne. Edizione settimanale dell'agenzia DWpress.
La RAI e Notiziari Televideo RAI
MIR- editoria in rete (in Italian)
Globnet- Banca del Sapere
Culturiana: a magazine for italian language operators
Italian cinema magazine
Panorama online
Magic Basket
Internazionale Mensile di rassegna stampa estera.
Avvenimenti, Settimanale. Aggiornato regolarmente.
Vita, Settimanale. Aggiornato regolarmente.
Il mosaico, Periodico bimestrale
Audio review, mensile
Il denaro, Uomini, mercanti, societa'.Settimanale
Il vernacoliere, Mensile labronico. Satirico.
Videomusic on-line. Programmi ed informazioni musicali.
RockStar music magazine in Italian
Pop Magazine - La musica Inrete, rivista di musica (in italiano).
Chitarre, La rivista mensile per gli amanti della chitarra
Invernomuto (student magazine in Italian)
BOLINA - il mensile dell' Andar' per Mare
Moto on line. Rivista interattiva dedicata al mondo delle moto.
Auto on line. Rivista interattiva dedicata al mondo dell'auto.
Il subacqueo, Rivista per gli appassionati d'immersione.
Il Segno di Parma culture magazine in Italian (Università di Parma)
Bionatura Magazine
Mac net journal, Versione italiana, la e-zine per chi naviga in Internet con un Mac.
By the wire, Rivista quindicinale gratuita d'informatica.
MCmicrocomputer, Rivista di informatica on line. Mensile
La Gazzetta dello Sport (you must register)
Sport news
La rete, Impressionate, con le immagini dei goal! E la domenica aggiornamento ad ogni rete!
Data sport, Documentatissime e complete notizie sportive.
Calcio 1. Bellissimo! Tutte le serie e coppe con classifiche e marcatori.
Calcio 2. In inglese
Sci coppa del mondo, Coppa del mondo maschile e femminile
Basket, Serie A1 e A2 e classifiche.
Pallavolo, Completo, nelle serie maschile e femminile e Coppe.
Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto! Gopher attivo durante le partite!


Events in Italy

Italy's Events Directory
Events by region and town
Touristic, Music and Sport Events
Art Events
I film del mese (Italian Nights)
Upcoming musical events in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto including box office info (Furio Ercolessi)
Firenze (Florence) Events
Milano (Milan) Events
Roma (Rome) Events
Special exhibitions in Rome
Venezia (Venice) Events


Economy and Business

Banche Italiane e valute estere
Banca di Roma on line
Il Sole 24 ore (Financial News)
Glossario dell'economia
Italian Trade Commission (I.C.E.)
The Italian Business Institute, with links to many sites of interest to people wanting to do business in Italy.
Italy's Industry Directory
Yahoo's listing of Italian companies
Made in Italy (in Italian)
Italian Electronic Yellow Pages
Italian Chambers of Commerce in North America, with information on investment opportunities in Italy, upcoming trade shows, and more.
NET fiera Public administration, civic networking, commerce
Italy magazine real estate, immob.


Italian Universities

Colleges and Universities - Italy
A list of universities and study centres
Bologna, The whole University of
Bologna, Organic Chemistry Department
Firenze, Universitàdegli Studi
Milano, Universita' degli Studi
Milano, Dipartimento di Informatica
Milano, Dipartimento di Matematica
Milano, Politecnico
Napoli, Universita' degli Studi -Federico II-
Padova (software)
Pisa, Domus Galilaeana
Roma, Universita' La Sapienza
Roma, Universita' Tor Vergata
Siena, Universita' degli Studi
Torino, Politecnico
Trieste, Universita' degli Studi
Venezia, Universita' degli Studi -Ca' Foscari-


Cultural Institutes

Italian Cultural Institutes in the World
Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco
Italian Cultural Institute of Tokio
Italian Cultural Institute of Amsterdam



Soccer in Italy
Campionato Italiano di Calcio Italian Soccer/Football Championships
Mondo CALCIO championships (Francesco Benevento)
Italian Soccer football/calcio
Giro d'Italia bike race (Markino)
Il Subacqueo dive magazine



Microsoft Italia
IBM Italia
Faccine (Smiley Faces) ed Abbreviazioni
Internet and Data Communication Terms  (The Butterfly Glossary)


Other Things

soc.culture.italian FAQ (has great info on all kinds of things)
Italian Area Codes
CAP e Prefissi Telefonici
Current Time in Italy
Italian Embassies and Other Links
Costituzione Italiana
About the Italian Flag
Information about Money in Italy by Stephane Laveau et al.
Search your italian roots
Italian TV programs on U.S. cable by the International Channel. You can also see a schedule of the programs.
Associazione Italia-Stati Uniti, an organization to promote friendship and cooperation between the U.S. and Italy.
For videotape conversion (US <-> Europe TV standards) check out 3D Research.


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This page was last updated 20 Mar. 96

If you find error's, invalid links or if you have suggestions, please e-mail me. (