Torsten Fischer (Nürnberg, Germany)


Hello and welcome friends and visitors. This is my personal homepage.
I hope you find everything you ever wanted to know about me but were afraid to ask...
If you miss anything here, just give me a hint.

I live in Germany, in a town called Nürnberg (also known as Nuremberg, Norimberga). Nürnberg is located in the south of Germany, about 200 km in the north of Munich. It belongs to Bavaria. I was born in 1964 in the north of Germany near Hannover, therefore don't expect me to be an expert in Bavarian topics.

I have a degree as an engineer in telecommunications but I'm working as a software developer since 1989. I have a good background in programming Windows applications with (MS-Visual C) but I've also written programs in C# (.NET), Pascal, Assembler, Basic and some other language. Nonetheless I have a sufficient knowledge in electronics. This helps me with developing hardware related software.

Currently I'm working for a software and hardware developing company called SOHARD AG (located in Fürth near Nürnberg).

I enjoy Italian Language and Lifestyle. I've learned to speak Italian, because I wanted to communicate with the people in this beautiful country. The only problem is, that one lesson a week is not enough to become really good. I would like to have a friendship with an Italian. This way, there would be enough conversation training for me. You're interested ? Just start here. You may find some interesting links on my ITALIAN PAGE.

I like to talk to other people (in particular with people from other countries), because I can learn something about them and their way of living and thinking. And, not to forget, sometimes it's really funny. But while I'm on it, don't expect me to make jokes here. I'm not the kind of guy who is telling jokes for three hours without any pause for recovering.

I like music, in particular rock music. I also play guitar (but not very often). See my MUSIC PAGE to find more. Furthermore, I'm a member of the choir CantAmore.

I'm interested in all kinds of technical stuff. To name a few things:

Satellite Receiving

Besides the technical stuff I also enjoy:

        Horse riding 
        Inline skating
        Driving my Camaro Z28

I had great fun when I was online at Compuserve's (Fujitsu's)World's Away. I met people from all over the world and most of the time it was really funny. My name there was E.T. and here is a picture of me. I still remember my friends Pippet, Lady Iron Paw, Morgan Leah and Nightshadow. I will never forget the good times we had together. 

A special greeting goes to Elecktra. Luce, I enjoyed the time with you very much, especially when we met in Canada. I still wait for you to visit me here in Germany  ;-) 

Sure, I have more friends, but most of them have no homepage on the internet, yet. Therefore, the list here is currently short:

So what is missing? Well, you want to see a picture of me? 

Oh... If you dare, click here ;-)

And here is my daughter Vanessa.   

Ok, that's all for now. I've last updated this page on 6 November 2003. 

I hope you enjoyed your stay at my homage.
I'd like to visit yours, so I would appreciate if you send me e-mail or you just sign my guest book. Feel free to send any comments, suggestions, offers, flames, love letters, ads, jokes ...
You can also view my guest book (except the private messages) if you like.

By the way... You are visitor number since 17 March 1996.

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